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Edit Menu: Filled Solid Next

The Filled Solid function is used to set the parameters of the selected filled solid.

A filled solid may be re-sided by using the Grab Filled Solid function to grab one of the sides or vertices. To dissolve a filled solid, you must first "grab" the desired solid and then enter the key-strokes <EF>. The filled solid will be reduced to a set of perimeter lines. The lines may be modified using any of the standard editing functions.

To construct a filled solid from a set of contiguous perimeter lines, you must first "grab" the one of perimeter lines and then enter the key-strokes <EF>. The file will be scanned for a set of lines to define the perimeter of a closed region. The entire group of lines will then be compiled into a solidly filled area.

Related functions:

Grab Filled Solid

Place Filled Solid

Krump Component