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Place Menu: Filled Solid Next

The Place Filled Solid function is used to construct a region which will be completely filled on the layer that the fill is placed. The region can be of any arbitrary shape, and can be placed on any target layer.

When you select this function, you will be instructed to enter a sequence of vertex points. After selecting a minimum of three data points, the function will be completed by pressing <right mouse> or <Escape>.

Once placed, filled areas may be moved about by invoking the Grab Filled Solid function.

A filled region may be modified by first grabbing the desired region, then krumping it back into its constituent line segments by using the Krump Filled Solid function. The lines can then be modified using the standard editing functions. Once the lines have been suitably re-arranged, they can be converted back into a filled area once again by grabbing one of the vertices of the parameter lines and again using the Krump Filled Solid function.

Related functions:

Grab Filled Solid

Krump Filled Solid

Delete Filled Solid