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Block Menu: Flood Fill Next

The Block Flood Fill functions are used to outline a set of tracks and pads, and then to fill the remainder of the region with lines. This is useful for certain types of ground plane areas.

When you select this function, a dialog box will appear which will display the current flood/hatch fill parameters at which time you will be able to enter new values.

*** NOTE update map for this box ***

Source layers define elements that are to be avoided during the flooding. These elements will be isolated around prior to the bulk of the flooding process The current working layer is used as the target fill layer. Alternate source layers may be set by using the Block Layers function.

Line width and spacing may be modified here, or by using the Clearances tab of the Setup Parameters dialog box.

The current grid snap is used as the hatch spacing.

A containment block must be defined in the current data file before this function can be used.

Related functions:

Delete Iso-islands

Track Isolation

Isolation Output