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Setup Menu: Options Next

The Setup Options dialog box is used to control various generic CIRCAD parameters.

Click on a tab for detailed information
File Backup:
The File Backup tab.

File Backup
Use Windows Recycle Bin - If this option is selected, OmniGlyph will move the original version of a data file to the system's Recycle Bin before saving the new version to disk. This is one of the most practical methods of providing yourself with backup copies of your precious data files. The operating system automatically records the original source directory and also applies a special date/time stamp to each file as it is entered into the recycling system. If you do not need to retrieve this previous version of your data, the system will eventually purge it from its archives, thus freeing up its disk space once again. The only shortcoming of this method is that there is no easy mechanism for opening and examining files that have been placed in the recycle bin. They can be restored to their original locations, but they cannot be examined while in storage.

Use Defauly Backup Path - If this option is selected, OmniGlyph will use a sub-directory named "Backup" from within the same directory that the program's EXE was invoked. If this option is un-checked, it will be necessary to use the Browse button at the right to select a backup directory of your own choosing.

Browse - Clicking on this pushbutton will invoke the system's Browse for Path dialog box. You will then be able to traverse your entire network to find a suitable directory to contain the backup copies of your data files.

Path - This field displays the complete path that will be used to hold the backup copies of your data files. This path is not used if the files are backed up into the Recycle Bin.

Number of levels of backup - This drop-list allows you to select the number of backup copies of each data file that will be retained before they are ultimately purged and discarded. This selection is not used if the files are backed up into the Recycle Bin.

File Autosave
Use Default Autosave Path - If this option is selected, OmniGlyph will use a sub-directory named "Autosave" from within the same directory that the program's EXE was invoked. If this option is un-checked, it will be necessary to use the Browse button at the right to select a autosave directory of your own choosing.

Browse - Clicking on this pushbutton will invoke the system's Browse for Path dialog box. You will then be able to traverse your entire network to find a suitable directory to contain the autosaved copies of your data files.

Path - This field displays the complete path that will be used to hold the automatically saved copies of your data files.

Delay time before autosave - This drop-list allows you to select the number of minutes that should elapse after you make a modification to a data file before it is automatically saved to disk. Setting this value to a greater period of time will decrease your disk activity, but will also leave you more vulnerable to power failures and system crashes.

Related functions:

Setup Parameters